Vanity Fair for Breakfast

I arrived at the deck this morning, as I am accustomed to, checked my plants, hopped on the table and … I found no water, not even a single grape. In fact, I found nothing I could even remotely call breakfast. Just an empty coffee cup and a current issue of Vanity Fair with this crazy peanut Baldwin on the cover. How is that for a good morning? Continue reading

Things are Looking Up

I’ve been very discouraged from getting out lately. Recent cold spell was not conducive to any outdoor activities whatsoever … even for a chipmunk like me (being outdoorsy and all). But, I stuck my nose out this morning only to be surprised to discover that things are actually looking very promising now. Continue reading

Great Blue Heron

Recently, my noeighbor alerted me to the fact that our good old friend was indeed back from Florida and that he is currently enjoying his summer stay in the Northeast at the nearby lake. It was a great news because for a while we thought that he did not make it back to our neck of the woods and that he chose to vacation elsewere Continue reading